Provision microsoft office 365 business premium
Provision microsoft office 365 business premium

provision microsoft office 365 business premium provision microsoft office 365 business premium

If you need it for long term testing requirements, consider purchasing a small number of paid licences since the costs are manageable.Home > Blog > Office 365 & SharePoint Online > Decision: Microsoft 365 Apps for Business or Enterprise Decision: Microsoft 365 Apps for Business or Enterprise These free environments are perfect for setting up an Office 365 trial tenant: they expire after 90 days and are not extendable. In case you don’t need all this additional demo content and are just searching for an environment to run test and play around, choose ‘Microsoft 365 Enterprise with Users and No Content’.Ĭlick on ‘Create’ and you are ready to go with your new test tenant. Microsoft now gives you various options for demo content for your new tenant. Choose ‘Microsoft 365 Enterprise with Users and No Content’.In this case, just open your ‘My Environments’-overview ( ) and click on ‘Create Tenant’. – Education, Education Plus und Education E5 Once you have completed the steps described, you can create Office 365 tenant for testing.Ĭreating a test tenant is very easy if you already have one of the following O365 subscriptions: If you need an E1, E3 or E5 license, select ‘Office for Enterprises’ in the left navigation and click on ‘Create Trial’. If you need a Teams environment, select at least the Business Premium and Teams included. Visit  and click on ‘Buy Now’ to see an overview of the license models. Creating a Office 365 trial subscriptionīefore you can create an Office 365 trial tenant, you first need a trial subscription.Otherwise, simply follow the steps from step 2. To do this, you must first activate a test license for O365. If you do not yet have an O365 license, you can still easily create a test tenant.

Provision microsoft office 365 business premium